Welcome to Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions

The Halo 3 Machinima "FUBAR","Project: Genocide", and "Failo", along with any other Machinima created under Bra1nlessLobot0my was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" (c) Microsoft, using assets from HALO 3 (c) Bungie.

Any and all other content not owned by Microsoft including, but not limited to, music, sound effects, game content, and images are (c) to their respective owners.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Consider this, my resignation ...

... wake me, when you need me

But you had me at hello ....

Ok, enough with all those typical quotes. On to the good stuff. The big news today is that I am resigning from Halo Machinima, and am right now in the process of uploading my final masterpiece of comedy FUBAR goodness. Yumm, goodness ...

This is it, my friends, my final goodbye and my resignation from Halo 3 Machinima. It's been a fun ride and I've met some really great people doing this, but the truth is that there is just too much going on in my life right now to where I cannot fit Machinima directing into my schedule. I hope you enjoy the best of, the last of, the special edition of what I loved to call my Halo comedy masterpiece ... FUBAR.

I hope you have had your fill with my work, enjoyed yourself, and hit the lights when you leave. However, I will eventually return when you least expect it with more randomocity, Russian invaders, and stoned aliens to reap the benefits of our YouTube generation. However, seeing as this is my goodbye I will give you some fun little facts about my world ...

1)Bra1nlessLobot0my was created by my friend's AIM screen name, BrainedLobotomy (though he has removed it ... the bastard!)

2)FUBAR (in my show's case) stands for Fucked Up Beyond All Reasoning ... catchy isn't it.

3)My family has shown no support for my videos whatsoever, though I didn't expect them to.

4)Despite popular belief, I have enjoyed making videos with my friends over Xbox Live as they inspire me much of the time.

5)The final FUBAR video entitled "The Very Best Of" was originally going to be called "En-Say-Ne-Yumm" as a part of the MachiniCast competition I recently dropped out of.

6)The drama Machinima "Outland is Bleeding" never entered pre-production and is still on hold until further notice, maybe it will become a real drama instead ...

7)I do play Halo 3 online with actual people, unlike many Machinima directors ... though I do betray people alot.

8)Unlike my obvious twin brother DigitalPh33r aka John Graham aka John CJG, I live in America, Connecticut to be exact and will be enrolling at Tunxis College for the year (feel free to say "Hi" if you are there too, hell let me know if you're in the area)

9)I work at McDonald's.

So that's it, what's done is done and what's said has been said.

Adios, Thanks, Goodbye, Farewell, Adeu, but don't forget I'm still alive so feel free to talk to me on Xbox Live or YouTube or whatever ...


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