Welcome to Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions

The Halo 3 Machinima "FUBAR","Project: Genocide", and "Failo", along with any other Machinima created under Bra1nlessLobot0my was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" (c) Microsoft, using assets from HALO 3 (c) Bungie.

Any and all other content not owned by Microsoft including, but not limited to, music, sound effects, game content, and images are (c) to their respective owners.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some FUBAR Shtuff


I have some news and updates comin' your way, so read on ...

FUBAR, there's news on it!
First, episode 6, appropriately titled "Commute With the Community" is on its way to your local YouTube. Since there was literally no writing involved with this episode and many of you did it for me, all I needed to do was some Shakespearean acting to get the film a-goin'. This Friday seems like a good day to kick back, relax and see what you guys think FUBAR should be.
Second, episode 7, the season finale! Woohoo, we did it! One season done, and the second should premiere in the Spring. At the closing of the season, I will gather all my production crew together, and host a custom game night. We will be playing on some FUBAR maps, feel free to dress as Scooby Doo, or that angry guy who never speaks.
Finally, this news is breaking, and makes me look like an idiot. Originally, FUBAR was going to be moved from Halo 3 to Halo: CE. Well ... it's not. Filming would be too complicated, there isn't enough character diversity, and as comical as it would look, I can't drop tanks on people. So the MOVE! special will be deleted, memories forgotten, and FUBAR: CE is now just a memory/mystery/dream.

Don't forget to message me at burnttoast272@yahoo.com or xerikillx@aim.com


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Need Some Assistance

Hey guys,

For episode 6 of FUBAR, I need some help from you guys. Episode 6 is a community-based episode, and will feature your submitted skits. Feel free to post them on the Zantive forum, my own forum, e-mail, or YouTube. If your skit is FUBAR-worthy, it will be featured in the latest episode, and you will make it into the credits.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Failo: Episode 2 - Time to Kick Some A**

Hey guys,

Episode 2 of Failo is up and running! Check it out and don't forget to rate, comment, favorite, or whatever. Here's a quick rundown of what this video is about.

"Master Chief finds himself protecting a small group of ODST Marines."
Not good enough for you? Check out the video and find out what's really going down, and see how Master Chief messes this up ...


Friday, January 2, 2009

The Loss and the Gain

Greetings Everyone,

Today, at approximately 12:04 a.m. EST we lost a valuable member of Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions; Grantorsaurus. He resigned noting to me that he has plans to move on to script writing, and that right now is a very stressful time for him. We should all show support for his work as he did for ours, and I hope that the future shows well for him.
I remember when he first joined the group, after I announced what FUBAR was about. It all started with Fishyman, Spark, Sean, him, and myself working hard on many of the episodes you see today. He made great apperances as both enemy and friend in FUBAR episodes 4, 5, the 300 spoof, and even episodes of Project: Genocide.

The gain, is that Grant is now writing for a new comedy parody entitled Ghost Tauren Productions. GTP is a single group lead by Grant and is more literary than Machinima, but I'm sure their work will be funny nonetheless.
So good luck Grantorsaurus, Grant, Soldier number 2, wherever the road may lead you, you always have a home here at Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions.

Raise your glasses, and say adios,