Welcome to Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions

The Halo 3 Machinima "FUBAR","Project: Genocide", and "Failo", along with any other Machinima created under Bra1nlessLobot0my was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" (c) Microsoft, using assets from HALO 3 (c) Bungie.

Any and all other content not owned by Microsoft including, but not limited to, music, sound effects, game content, and images are (c) to their respective owners.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Project: Genocide Chapter 2

Keep an eye on YouTube or this blog for the latest installment to my new action series "Project: Genocide"!

Chapter 2 focuses on the first recorded attack of the Russian terrorists. Filmed through the eyes of a few young party-goers, their fun is soon interrupted by a wild explosion. Fear and anarchy soon plague the city, and the group must run and hide long enough to survive.

Case File # 11369465770

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Ok, so Barney -n- the Chief has been officially changed.

New Title: Failo

New Synopsis: After Master Chief "crashes" his ship along with his co-pilot, a critical and witty alien, Master Chief begins to tell us a little story about HALO and some other events that apparently happened. But Master Chief bends the rules and the story a little bit to make everything seem even better, but don't worry, the trusty alien is there to make sure the story goes somewhat true.

Expect episode 1, Master Chief's Awesome-Epic-N00b-Pwning-Ultimate-Alien-Killer-Story, to be out within the week.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Barny -n- the Chief

As of now, "Out of the Closet", my machinima based on interviewing members of my production team, and overall anybody, is being terminated and replaced with a new project. This new comedy machinima entitled, "Barny -n- the Chief", will be a Halo 3 machinima focused on spoofing DigitalPh33r's "Arby n' the Chief", however, this will have a new take.

First, it takes place in Halo 3, and really on one specific map. It follows the adventures of Master Chief, and some of his friends, as he tries taking over a new threat to his peaceful city. This will be sort of a continuation from the "Arby n' the Chief Movie", with Master Chief being the dumb hero, and an army of Barny's being the apparent villains.

Also, it has more of a Red vs. Blue feel, in that it is one map, with two opposing sides fighting against each other, but never really getting anything done. Everything is seen and narrated by Master Chief, therefore, most of the plot is historically flawed. And, of course, everything is blown out of proportion.

The idea was sparked by a production member of mine, drpeppergod, and the idea soon branched out into what it is now. The pilot episode of "Barny -n- the Chief" will be released within the week followed by either a new episode of "Project: Genocide", or "FUBAR: Move! (part 2)"

Stay tuned for more info,

Monday, November 24, 2008

FUBAR: Move! (part 1)

FUBAR: Move! (part 1)

Yeah! New episode, the first in 2 months. From now on, new videos, every week, and I won't slack on them. Hopefully you have stayed tune and kept faith in my work, and this may be a sign that I still want to do machinima, and work hard on stuff like this.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

I C4n Haz Recon, U Can HaZ Rec0n, Every1 Can Haz R3con!

That's right!

Starting September 25th, 2009, everyone can unlock the exclusive and rare Recon Armor Permutation.

What do I have to do?
All you have to do is unlock all the Vidmaster Achievements in Halo 3.

What are they?
7 on 7 - Enter into a ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month.
(Get 7xp on the 7th of the month in any playlist. I recommend a double EXP playlist personally)

Lightswitch - Get the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.
(Get 50xp on any playlist. Again, I recommend double EXP, you only have to win 25 games)

Annual - Complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.
(Beat the level Halo, 4-player Xbox LIVE Co-op, Iron skull, and there are Ghost vehicles after you kill Guilty Spark, they're on the ramp. I recommend clearing your schedule for an hour or so on this one, it's a toughie.)

Brainpan - Find all the hidden skulls on the Mythic maps.
(Bungie is not releasing three of these maps until the 25th of 2009; Longshore, Heretic, & Citadel)

Yes, Bungie lied to us by not releasing three maps until the 25th! No, you should not scream at them in a bloody riot to get the maps earlier ... I tried, they have some good security. They could have just left one map until next year, now that would have been a dick move, so be a little bith thankful. No, I have not gotten the Annual achievement yet, so if you want to do it with me just let me know! And yes, it is awesome that everyone will have Recon!

Also, NO! I will not stop making machinima just because of the Recon thing. I am starting to feel better now and expect a soon release of Project: Genocide part deux!

That's all my info, congrats everyone, let this day be known ... DigitalPh33r is a little less special now.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Out of the Closet

... And into your pants/TV/Computer Monitor/iPod/Zune

Ok, so now that that's out of the way, I'm here to announce my new series!! *applause*
And it's about YOU!! *applause*
And it's in Halo 3!! *applause*
And doesn't involve any acting at all!!!! *loud riotous applause*

That's right, it's a machinima for you and by you. The idea is to take some great machinima without much of a story, "This Spartan Life" and "Inside Halo", and merge it with some great comedy and good ole' fashion Halo 3 playing! What I do is put names into a little machine, then, with my giant mechanical claw of doom, I pull the names out and those are the people whom I then invite to a fun game of online Halo 3 and interview.
Whilst doing thine interview, there will be actual gameplay going on all around. Games will very from Slayer to Grifball, Capture the Flag to Infection, any and every game will be played.
The first few interviewees will be people from my production team, and it will then branch off to other people such as fans, fellow machinima directors, and really anyone who wants to participate!

So if you are chosen, I will let you know via Xbox Live/E-mail/IM/YouTube ... etc, and I will send you the questions and all that fun hunk of pepto bismal. Hopefully I will be able to interview some colorful characters, (no racism ... watch it!) and make this project all that better. The games are basically for the people who just want to play some fun matchmaking except without the lag or bitter enemies and rivalries!

That's all I have to say for now, but I'll let more info leak into your brains and eyes as the time flies by like dust in the wind.

- Erik

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I am proud to announce that there will be another HMV!!

The song: Red Tape
The artist: Billy Talent
The video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7En9uIDdc50

I hope you all support this vid, and come to help make it great.

Monday, September 8, 2008

What's This?! More news?!

Yes, more news my dear friends. And yes, it is about FUBAR. And yes, I am changing it ... again.

Now, because I came up with the idea while hanging out with my stupid friends. I have decided to change FUBAR from a Halo 3 Machinima, to a Halo 1 Machinima. The reason for such a drastic change is because I like the overall look of Halo: CE in Machinima. It delivers an overall better look and feel that I feel FUBAR deserves. Plus, my friend is good at Halo mods, so I can now include more situational comedy.

However, the FUBAR Movie will NOT be using Halo: CE, it will be using a combination of both Halo games.

So, keep an eye out for the new episodes of FUBAR entitled "FUBAR: CE"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Good, The Bad ... and The Surprising

Ok, well I guess we will start off with the bad news.
In regards to FUBAR, I've realized that what I have is good, actually, really good. So I don't want to kill it. Yet, I don't want to abandon it either. So I have decided to just break it down. What I will be doing is breaking down FUBAR from an 8-10 min. series into quick or elaborate little skits. The downside to this is that you will not be getting skit after skit in one show, but the positive is that you will be getting these more frequently and they will be much funnier.

The good news!
Because I am breaking down FUBAR, I will now have more time to brainstorm and work on "Project: Genocide". I will have time to start better script writing, storyboarding, editing, etc. Also, I will be able to start working on my new Shadowrun machinima, the first machinima that I will not be writing. My very good friend, however, will be the lead writer, he is an avid fan of the game and of RoosterTeeth's 1-800-MAGIC, so expect some good stuff.

The surprising!
"FUBAR!: The Movie" is still going as planned, the writing is near completion, and now all I need to do is some acting, voice, and all that stuff. So keep an eye on DigitalPh33r's forums, or mine, for the recruitment dates on that.

Monday, September 1, 2008

"Project: Genocide" Chapter 1

OK! I just finished the first chapter of "Project: Genocide" and I will upload it onto YouTube and Machinima.com when it's finally done rendering. So keep an eye out for the new vid.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Forum

Yes, the official forum is up!

It's a small start, but a start nonetheless. Hopefully it will increase and people will start subscribing to it!

It should be in the sidebar now, so go on! Frolic in all of its 3-Topic glory!!

Welcome to Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions

Welcome to my official website for hosting all of my newest machinima projects, community gaming nights, and all sorts of things like that.

Keep in touch for updates!