Welcome to Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions

The Halo 3 Machinima "FUBAR","Project: Genocide", and "Failo", along with any other Machinima created under Bra1nlessLobot0my was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" (c) Microsoft, using assets from HALO 3 (c) Bungie.

Any and all other content not owned by Microsoft including, but not limited to, music, sound effects, game content, and images are (c) to their respective owners.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Out of the Closet

... And into your pants/TV/Computer Monitor/iPod/Zune

Ok, so now that that's out of the way, I'm here to announce my new series!! *applause*
And it's about YOU!! *applause*
And it's in Halo 3!! *applause*
And doesn't involve any acting at all!!!! *loud riotous applause*

That's right, it's a machinima for you and by you. The idea is to take some great machinima without much of a story, "This Spartan Life" and "Inside Halo", and merge it with some great comedy and good ole' fashion Halo 3 playing! What I do is put names into a little machine, then, with my giant mechanical claw of doom, I pull the names out and those are the people whom I then invite to a fun game of online Halo 3 and interview.
Whilst doing thine interview, there will be actual gameplay going on all around. Games will very from Slayer to Grifball, Capture the Flag to Infection, any and every game will be played.
The first few interviewees will be people from my production team, and it will then branch off to other people such as fans, fellow machinima directors, and really anyone who wants to participate!

So if you are chosen, I will let you know via Xbox Live/E-mail/IM/YouTube ... etc, and I will send you the questions and all that fun hunk of pepto bismal. Hopefully I will be able to interview some colorful characters, (no racism ... watch it!) and make this project all that better. The games are basically for the people who just want to play some fun matchmaking except without the lag or bitter enemies and rivalries!

That's all I have to say for now, but I'll let more info leak into your brains and eyes as the time flies by like dust in the wind.

- Erik